Summer Physical Activity and Friendships

This project is funded by the Baylor University Research Committee in collaboration with two Boys & Girls Clubs to examine the role of summer care on friendship and physical activity over a summer. This longitudinal study aims to add to the literature surrounding the decrease in activity over summer and elaborate on the role friends play in physical activity behavior. The role of sex and gender will also be examined in the differences in friend groups and activity may change as children move through adolescence.

Resources and Briefs

COVID and The Club: Conversations with Boys & Girls Club Leaders on providing services during COVID-19

A social network analysis approach to group and individual perceptions of child physical activity

Social network effects on child self-reported physical activity at summer care programs


  • Grant Writing

  • Data Collection

  • Social Network Data Analysis

  • Manuscript Preparation

  • Community Partner cultivation and reporting

Tyler Prochnow
Tyler Prochnow
Assistant Professor of Health Behavior

My research interests include social network analysis and health behavior.